Selling your Louis Vuitton bag can be a great way to maximize the return on your investment. These designer handbags are some of the most recognizable luxury items in the world, with iconic designs and quality craftsmanship that stands up over time. Whether you have a Louis Vuitton wallet, Neverfull, Speedy, or a bag from the Virgil Abloh x Louis Vuitton collection, there are plenty of buyers out there who would love to get their hands on your pre-loved piece.
But with so many different marketplaces available, it can be difficult to know where to get started. When deciding where to sell your Louis Vuitton bag, choosing the right platform is crucial– after all, hundreds or even thousands of dollars in profit could ride on your decision! Platforms like RealReal, eBay, Rebag, Craigslist, Mercari, and Poshmark are all potential options, but how do you determine the best process for selling your piece?
Read on to find out where to sell your Louis Vuitton bag, how to evaluate its condition, and how you can keep 90 percent of your profit when you opt to sell with Sella.
The Louis Vuitton wallet is an iconic and timeless luxury item, with a long history as one of the most sought-after designer accessories. Since their creation in 1854 in Paris, LV wallets have been crafted from high-quality materials like leather and Monogram canvas, making them not only stylish, but durable. Each wallet includes features like card slots, coin purses, and more, so you can fit all your essentials comfortably. In addition, recent models offer thoughtful touches like a passport case or, for pieces made after 2021, RFID protection for added security.
Louis Vuitton wallets’ classic designs and exceptional craftsmanship means that they are highly sought after by collectors. Depending on an LV wallet’s condition and rarity of its design (for example, whether or not the wallet is part of a limited edition collection), prices can range from hundreds up to thousands of dollars.
When it comes down to actually selling your Louis Vuitton wallet, it may be tempting to consider popular marketplaces like eBay. However, mainstream marketplaces aren’t always the right fit for luxury goods, and you could end up selling your designer item for a less-than-satisfactory bid. If you truly want to maximize your return, look for a platform that specializes in secondhand luxury items, where you’ll find buyers looking specifically for authentic pieces like yours!
The Louis Vuitton Speedy is one of the most renowned and recognizable designer handbags in the world. Since its initial launch in 1930, this bag has been a wardrobe staple for classy women across the globe. It’s crafted from durable Monogram canvas with a timeless design that looks great in any setting, formal or casual. In addition, the Speedy comes in a variety of sizes. The large Speedy 30, for example, is incredibly spacious, featuring patch pockets and a zipped interior compartment for storing small items.
Customers love that the Speedy handbag is practical and easy to take on the go, no matter the occasion. This bag makes it an incredibly easy resell when you know where to look.
The Louis Vuitton Neverfull is a timeless and iconic tote bag that has been used by stylish women everywhere since its launch in 2007. It was first introduced as a beach bag, but has since become a popular everyday bag for shoppers who love having plenty of room to tote their favorite items.
Crafted from premium Monogram canvas, this spacious bag features two leather straps for easy carrying and an adjustable side drawstring closure for added security. Inside, you’ll find a large interior compartment with two patch pockets, a zipped pocket, and a D-ring for attaching your keys or other items. It also comes with removable pouches, which are perfect for organization when traveling!
What makes the Louis Vuitton Neverfull so desirable is its versatility: it can be used as an everyday handbag, but it also wears well at more formal occasions because of its classic design. Not only does it look great, but it's extremely durable thanks to LV's signature Vachetta cowhide leather trim, which ages beautifully over time.
The Louis Vuitton Virgil Abloh Collection is one of the most sought-after designer collections out there. Each piece’s unique design, created by the legendary fashion house Louis Vuitton in collaboration with acclaimed designer Virgil Abloh, makes it a must-have for style-conscious shoppers around the world. These bags feature a range of bold colors and unique textures and materials, including LV’s classic Monogram canvas bodies with premium leather trims, and signature details like bold LV branding on the front and sides. For added convenience, the pieces in this collection also come with adjustable straps for easy carrying, as well as classic LV interior pockets, for storing your essentials securely.
What makes this collection so desirable is its timeless yet modern appeal. Each piece can be easily dressed up or down depending on your occasion. Every detail, from the subtle color blocking to Abloh’s signature zip pulls, adds an extra level of luxury that sets these bags apart from other designs in the market today.
These bags are highly coveted, not only because of their quality craftsmanship but also because of the rarity: each piece is a limited edition, made especially precious after Abloh’s untimely passing in 2021. The limited quantity of pieces in this collection further increases their desirability for customers looking for something truly special.
Why spend hours waiting for shoppers to bid on your designer handbag when you can leave it to the experts to manage the selling process for you?
Sella is a one-stop shop for reselling your Louis Vuitton bag. With Sella, you don’t have to worry about researching the best marketplace options or haggling over prices with buyers– we take care of it all! Sella will list your items on the right combination of marketplaces so you get the best return on investment for your luxury LV handbag.
All you have to do is mail in your bag, drop it off with a local representative, or schedule a pick-up! After that, we’ll take care of the rest, from taking high-quality photos to suggesting pricing, and more.
The best part? Sella takes only 10% of your profit after deducting selling fees, making it one of the most affordable services for reselling your Louis Vuitton bags online. By using this full-service platform, you can rest assured that not only will you get top dollar for your designer handbag, but you’ll skip the hassle of listing yourself on marketplaces like eBay, RealReal, Mercari, or Craigslist.
If you’re ready to get started, first you must determine if your Louis Vuitton bag is in good enough condition to resell. There are several things to consider:
Once you’ve carefully examined your bag, you’ll need to decide if its condition is “like-new,” “very good,” or “good.” This categorization will give buyers an idea of what to expect, reassuring them that they will get their money's worth when they purchase your item. And, when you provide detailed information about the condition of your Louis Vuitton bag, buyers trust that they are getting a quality item, making them willing to pay a higher price.
Finally, if you have any repairs or alterations done to the bag before selling it, be sure to include a receipt or documentation for the work that’s been done. When shoppers can see that it’s been repaired by a luxury goods specialist, that’s another factor that allows you to resell the bag at a high price point.
Once you’ve determined that your Louis Vuitton bag is in sellable condition, getting started with Sella is easy.
At Sella, we understand that luxury items have the potential to earn top dollar returns, so we work hard to ensure that every seller gets the maximum profit from their transaction. When you use our full-service platform, you won’t have to limit yourself to listing on just one marketplace; instead, we’ll conduct market research to identify the right combination of platforms that will work best for your handbag. Our team of reselling experts handles the entire selling process, so you can focus on other things.
So what are you waiting for? Get started with Sella today to receive high and low profit estimates for your Louis Vuitton handbag, and see just how easy it is to resell your luxury items!