If you have a gently used Louis Vuitton handbag that no longer brings you joy, why not sell it with Sella to make some quick cash?
Louis Vuitton handbags are among the most popular designer handbags today. While they’re expensive to purchase upfront, the good thing is they have a high resale value — meaning you can sell your used Louis Vuitton handbags for a high dollar value. Use the cash to upgrade your collection with something new, pay bills, or save it for a rainy day.
If you’ve never sold anything through an online marketplace, it can feel overwhelming. Even if you have sold used stuff online before, you might not have the time or patience to handle all the legwork, communicate with potential buyers, and arrange meetups. Plus, there are several important questions to answer, such as:
Partnering with Sella makes it easy to sell your Louis Vuitton handbag for maximum profit. We’ll help you answer the questions above and more, and our smart technology and simple pricing structure make the selling process seamless and straightforward.
Selling your gently loved Louis Vuitton handbag with Sella is simple:
After you review and approve the listings, we’ll list your Louis Vuitton handbag on several resale marketplaces, including Facebook Marketplace, Mercari, Poshmark, and more. We also monitor and manage your listings and communicate and negotiate with potential buyers. When your Louis Vuitton handbag sells, we’ll arrange a meet-up or pack and ship it to your buyer.
When you partner with Sella to sell your Louis Vuitton handbag, our resale experts do all the time-consuming tasks and tasks that can be more challenging for less-experienced sellers, such as crafting engaging listing descriptions and taking photos that show off the quality of your handbag.
Our resale experts also prepare your handbag for sale and handle marketing tasks, monitor and manage your listings across multiple marketplaces, and negotiate with potential buyers to help you maximize your profit. When your Louis Vuitton handbag sells, we’ll even arrange meet-ups or pack and ship it to your buyer.
Some selling partners have complex fee structures that are anything but clear about how much you’ll walk away with after a sale. Of course, you don’t want to lose most of your profit to your selling partner, and that’s why Sella’s fee structure is simple, reasonable, and easy to understand.
After we receive your Louis Vuitton handbag, our resale experts will prepare a Profit Estimate so you know exactly what to expect when it sells.
Pricing is one of the most challenging decisions to make when you’re selling a designer handbag like Louis Vuitton online. Obviously, you want to make as much profit as you can, but you also want it to sell quickly.
Our resale experts will offer pricing recommendations and guidance on the best time of year to sell your Louis Vuitton handbag, but ultimately, you set your asking price.
Partnering with Sella is a smart choice when you want to maximize your earnings from selling your Louis Vuitton handbags. After it sells, we’ll pay any service providers and outstanding fees, then you can cash out 90% of the profit. It’s simple, straightforward, and completely hassle-free.
If you’re downsizing your Louis Vuitton collection or parting with a single Louis Vuitton handbag, selling it with Sella is the easiest way to make a quick sale for the most profit.